PDF online Quiz - the final step - AcroTeX rocks again!!!
All exerquiz quiz types are now supported and eq2db submits them online @EASE!!!
Unendlich viele Dankeschöns gehen an Dr. D. P. Story ("Herr AcroTeX").
Applaus, Applaus!!!
Ohne ihn wäre sowas nicht möglich gewesen!^{17}
Textfields, Mathfields, Multiple Choice (with multiple answers), Grouped Mathfields
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Click on the PDF icons below, take the quizzes and submit the data to the server. Then return to this website (it'll be automatically reloaded every 15 seconds) to retrieve the freshly submitted data.
You'll see your results when you scroll down within this site!
Quiz1 (5 problems)
Quiz2 (5 problems)
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Tab delimited text file
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Required data
Course, Quiz, Filename, Timestamp, Student data
Course: | Math101 |
Quiz: | Quiz1 |
Filename: | quiz4-2.pdf |
Timestamp: | 20.03.2018, 07:36:03 Uhr |
First Name: | Quiz the Good |
Last Name: | One |
ID: | 123456788 |
Point Score and number of correct problems
Points: | 0 | out of | 18 |
Score: | 0 | out of | 5 |
Quiz results - more detailed
n = number of the problem, type of problem, possible points per problem, credit, etc.
n = 1 |
type = text |
ptype = History |
points = 2 |
credit = 0 |
correct = 0 |
value = very good | key = ["Isaac Newton", "Newton", "I. Newton", "Gottfried Leibniz", "Leibniz"] |
n = 2 |
type = grp |
ptype = Algebra |
points = 3 |
credit = 0 |
correct = 0 |
value = | key = ["-10", "-15", "2"] |
n = 3 |
type = mc |
ptype = Algebra |
points = 4 |
credit = 0 |
correct = 0 |
value = | key = c |
n = 4 |
type = math |
ptype = Algebra |
points = 5 |
credit = 0 |
correct = 0 |
value = | key = 2 |
n = 5 |
type = ms |
ptype = Politics |
points = 4 |
credit = 0 |
correct = 0 |
value = | key = ["c", "d"] |
Required data
Course, Quiz, Filename, Timestamp, Student data
Course: | Math101 |
Quiz: | Quiz1 |
Filename: | quiz4-2.pdf |
Timestamp: | 20.03.2018, 07:42:33 Uhr |
First Name: | Dr. Bullwhip |
Last Name: | The Master |
ID: | 007007180 |
Point Score and number of correct problems
Points: | 10 | out of | 18 |
Score: | 3 | out of | 5 |
Quiz results - more detailed
n = number of the problem, type of problem, possible points per problem, credit, etc.
n = 1 |
type = text |
ptype = History |
points = 2 |
credit = 2 |
correct = 1 |
value = Newton | key = ["Isaac Newton", "Newton", "I. Newton", "Gottfried Leibniz", "Leibniz"] |
n = 2 |
type = grp |
ptype = Algebra |
points = 3 |
credit = 0 |
correct = [0,0,0] |
value = [1] [2] [3] | key = ["-10", "-15", "2"] |
n = 3 |
type = mc |
ptype = Algebra |
points = 4 |
credit = 4 |
correct = 1 |
value = c | key = c |
n = 4 |
type = math |
ptype = Algebra |
points = 5 |
credit = 5 |
correct = 1 |
value = 2 | key = 2 |
n = 5 |
type = ms |
ptype = Politics |
points = 4 |
credit = -1 |
correct = [0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 1]] |
value = [] [b] [] [d] | key = ["c", "d"] |
Required data
Course, Quiz, Filename, Timestamp, Student data
Course: | Math101 |
Quiz: | Quiz1 |
Filename: | quiz4.pdf |
Timestamp: | 10.03.2019, 09:43:46 Uhr |
First Name: | |
Last Name: | |
ID: | |
Point Score and number of correct problems
Points: | 7 | out of | 18 |
Score: | 2 | out of | 5 |
Quiz results - more detailed
n = number of the problem, type of problem, possible points per problem, credit, etc.
n = 1 |
type = text |
ptype = History |
points = 2 |
credit = 0 |
correct = 0 |
value = | key = ["Isaac Newton", "Newton", "I. Newton", "Gottfried Leibniz", "Leibniz"] |
n = 2 |
type = grp |
ptype = Algebra |
points = 3 |
credit = 0 |
correct = 0 |
value = | key = ["-10", "-15", "2"] |
n = 3 |
type = mc |
ptype = Algebra |
points = 4 |
credit = 4 |
correct = 1 |
value = c | key = c |
n = 4 |
type = math |
ptype = Algebra |
points = 5 |
credit = 5 |
correct = 1 |
value = 2 | key = 2 |
n = 5 |
type = ms |
ptype = Politics |
points = 4 |
credit = -2 |
correct = [0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0]] |
value = [a] [] [] [] | key = ["c", "d"] |