Analyzing Quizzes (Post-processing Data from an online Quiz)

The xml data are immediately saved within a mySQL database and immediately returned and interpreted within html.
Now all the power that mySQL offers, will be available!

Don't hesitate to scroll down a bit, to see that tremendous power of clever "sorting" that freshly generated database!

Unendlich viele Dankeschöns gehen an Dr. D. P. Story ("Herr AcroTeX").

Applaus, Applaus!!!

Ohne ihn wäre sowas nicht möglich gewesen!^{17}

Evaluation of the Quizzes residing at:


Below a list of the participants having taken the quizzes (ordered by their "total Score" – descending)

Quiz File First N. Last N. Score Total numC numQ A1 K1 QT1 C1 A2 K2 QT2 C2 A3 K3 QT3 C3 A4 K4 QT4 C4 A5 K5 QT5 C5
Quiz1quiz4-2.pdfDr. BullwhipThe Master101835[Newton]["Isaac Newton", "Newton", "I. Newton", "Gottfried Leibniz", "Leibniz"]History2[1] ; [2] ; [3]["-10", "-15", "2"]Algebra0[c]cAlgebra4[2]2Algebra5[] ; [b] ; [] ; [d]["c", "d"]Politics-1
Quiz1quiz4.pdf71825[]["Isaac Newton", "Newton", "I. Newton", "Gottfried Leibniz", "Leibniz"]History0["-10", "-15", "2"]Algebra0[c]cAlgebra4[2]2Algebra5[a] ; [] ; [] ; []["c", "d"]Politics-2
Quiz1quiz4-2.pdfQuiz the GoodOne01805[very good]["Isaac Newton", "Newton", "I. Newton", "Gottfried Leibniz", "Leibniz"]History0["-10", "-15", "2"]Algebra0[]cAlgebra0[]2Algebra0["c", "d"]Politics0